What could be better than a short 10-15 minute fitness workout! Considering that the abs and the entire abdominal area are an indicator of overall health.

Can you really rock those abs every day?
3 full-body exercises

The best thing is to do the exercises in the morning:

waking up, immediately a glass of water, another 5-10 minutes of laziness, but after a final awakening and off you go – working out and invigorated for the day with a sense of accomplishment.

And importantly – body and soul in great shape!
But abs come first.
If you substitute, almost any exercise engages the abdominal muscles.
Conclusion: for a beautiful and relief abs, it is not enough to perform strictly defined exercises for the abs. You need full-body exercises.

Is it possible to work the abs every day
Let’s approach this question from the opinion of a super-famous fitness blogger:

Chris Heria: can you rock abs every day
The question is solved!!!
Better every day and a little bit than plowing through 2 or 3 times a week at the fitness club. Although let’s not deny it – a two-day split also has its place with excellent results.

3 exercises for the whole body
So, many exercises involve the abdominal muscles.

We proceed from this postulate.
Important: do not forget about the preliminary warm-up for 1-2 minutes.

First exercise
Squat with dumbbells or kettlebells in front of you.

  • The great thing is that there are plenty of pictures on the internet demonstrating a simple technique to perform.

What works:
The legs (thigh and gluteal muscles) and arms (delta and triceps).
The abs, of interest above all, definitely also work, because the abdomen must be retracted and tense.

Weight of dumbbells is chosen individually for comfortable performance without excessive strain.
Number of executions from 10 to 20, laps from one to three.


Every other day it is desirable to alternate the variant of performing squats with dumbbell lifting in front of you, so that the biceps and trapezius muscles also work.

Second exercise.
Let’s work some dynamics, let’s do some statics too.

That is why this next exercise:

classic bar.
30 seconds is more than enough time to work the muscles of the whole body, including the abs.

The third exercise for the abs
Choose any one of the personally appealing ones that work against belly fat and to strengthen your abs.

Change the exercises around each day so that all areas of the abdominal muscles are constantly engaged.
The main thing is:
Perform abs exercises all the way through – until the muscles burn lightly internally.
What does it mean? At first it will be enough to do 20-30 times, and over time the number of executions brought to 50 or even 100.

The result: 4-6 months and the goal will be achieved – a beautiful body, taut abdomen and sculpted abs.